lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

I'm going to talk about the music and the different kins of it.
The music is a very good way to express yours feelings or your opinion about the society, culture or to tell good or bad experiences to get out of troubles.
There are two ways to do that. If you write your own song, you will be able to express yours feelings or opinions. And sometimes, when you are listening to a song, you could feel identified with the liryc of the song, and it could help you to make your life happier and easier than before.
Also, there are a lot of different kinds of music to express different opinions or feelings:
*Pop music express feelings like bad or good experiences in the love.
*Rock music express a ot of energy.
*Reggaeton is for dancing, and sometimes it makes you laugh.
*Rap express opinions about the love, the society or the culture...
Also, there are other types of music, like heavy-metal, clasic music...
Many people sometimes exclude a person only because of his favourite kind of music, and it shouldn't happen.
Also, in some people, the kind of music that they listen to can change the style of their clothes. For example, some people who listen to rap music, wear baggy clothes.
In conclusion, when you feel alone or sad, and there isn't any friend next to you, you will be able to feel happier and more active than before if you write your feelings in a paper to create your own song, or simply, you can listen to music. It helps you.